März 2022: Achtung alter Stand, Update folgt in Kürze
Association between driving pressure and development of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation for general anesthesia: a meta-analysis of individual patient data.
Neto AS, Hemmes SN, Barbas CS, Beiderlinden M, Fenandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Gajic O, El-Tahan MR, Ghamdi AA, Günay E, Jaber S, Kokulu S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Maslow AD, Memtsoudis SG, Miranda DR, Moine P, NG T, Paparella D, Ranieri VM, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Sundar S, Talmor D, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis E, Wrigge H, Amato MB, Costa EL, de Abreu MG, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ, PROVE Network Investigators.
Lancet Respir Med. 2016 Mar 3, Epub ahead of print LINK zum Abstract
Neuraxial block and postoperative epidural analgesia: effects on outcomes in the POISE-2 trial
Leslie , McIlroy D, Kasza J, Forbes A, Kurz A, Khan J, Meyhoff CS, Allard R, Landoni G, Jara X, Lurati Buse G, Candiotti K, Lee HS, Gupta R, VanHelder T, Purayil W, deHert S, Treschan T, Devereaux PJ
Br J Anaesth. 2016 Jan, 116(1):100-12
Evolution of ventilator settings during general anaesthesia for neurosurgery: An obser-vational study in a German centre over 15 years.
Treschan TA, Schaefer MS, Subasi L, Kaisers W, Schultz MJ, Beiderlinden M.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2015 Dec, 32(12):894-6
A multicenter trial of remote ischemic preconditioning for heart surgery
Meybohm P, Bein B, Brosteanu O, Cremer J, Gruenewald M, Stoppe C, Coburn M, Schaelte G, Böning A, Niemann B,Roesner J, Kletzin F, Strouhal U, Reyher C, Laufenberg-Feldmann R,Ferner M, Brandes IF, Bauer M, Stehr SN, Kortgen A, Wittmann M, Baumgarten G, Meyer-Treschan T, Kienbaum P, Heringlake M,Schön J, Sander M, Treskatsch S, Smul T, Wolwender E, Schilling T, Fuernau G, Hasenclever D, Zacharowski K, for the RIPHeart Study Collaborators
N Engl J Med 2015; 373:1397-1407
Intraoperative mechanical ventilation strategies to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications in patients with pulmonary and extrapulmonary comorbities.
Treschan TA, Malbouisson LM, Beiderlinden M.
Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2015 Sep, 29 (3):341-55
Antidots for anticoagulants: a long way to go.
Treschan TA, Beiderlinden M.
Lancet. 2015 Aug 15,386(9994):634-6
Protective versus Conventional Ventilation for Surgery: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis.
Serpa Neto A, Hemmes SN, Barbas CS, Beiderlinden M, Biehl M, Binnekade JM, Canet J, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Gajic O, Hedenstierna G, Hollmann MW, Jaber S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Maslow AD, Memtsoudis SG, Reis Miranda D, Moine P, Ng T, Paparella D, Putensen C, Ranieri M, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Schmid W, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Sundar S, Talmor D, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis EK, Wrigge H, Gama de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ; PROVE Network Investigators.
Anesthesiology. 2015 Jul;123(1):66-78.
Thoracic paravertebral regional anesthesia improves analgesia after breast cancer surgery: a randomized controlled multicentre clinical trial.
Wu J, Buggy D, Fleischmann E, Parra-Sanchez I, Treschan T, Kurz A, Mascha EJ, Sessler DI.
Can J Anaesth. 2015 Mar;62(3):241-51
Role of recruitment maneuvers for lung-protective ventilation in the operating room remains unclear.
Treschan TA, Beiderlinden M.
Anesthesiology. 2015 Feb;122(2):472-3.
Incidence of mortality and morbidity related to postoperative lung injury in patients who have undergone abdominal or thoracic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Serpa Neto A, Hemmes SN, Barbas CS, Beiderlinden M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Hollmann MW, Jaber S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Moine P, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis EK, Wrigge H, Gama de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ; PROVE Network investigators.
Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Dec;2(12):1007-15
Argatroban versus Lepirudin in critically ill patients (ALiCia): a randomized controlled trial.
Treschan TA, Schaefer MS, Geib J, Bahlmann A, Brezina T, Werner P, Golla E, Greinacher A, Pannen B, Kindgen-Milles D, Kienbaum P, Beiderlinden M.
Crit Care. 2014 Oct 25;18(5):588 LINK zum Volltext
Comments on: perioperative administration of clonidine or aspirin.
Treschan TA, Kienbaum P.
Anaesthesist. 2014 Jun;63(6):517-8.
Prähospitale nichtinvasive Ventilation in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Sellmann T, Conty C, Treschan T, Kindgen-Milles D.
Anaesthesist. 2014 Mar;63(3):217-24 LINK zum Volltext
Electrical impedance tomography during major upper abdominal surgery: a pilot-study.
Schaefer MS, Wania V, Bastin B, Schmalz U, Kienbaum P, Beiderlinden M, Treschan TA.
BMC Anesthesiol. 2014 Jul 5;14:51. LINK zum Volltext
Lower argatroban starting dose and lower aPTT range instead of aggressive monitoring.
Treschan TA, Beiderlinden M.
J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2013 Nov;36(4):402.
Ventilation with low tidal volumes during upper abdominal surgery does not improve postoperative lung function.
Treschan TA, Kaisers W, Schaefer MS, Bastin B, Schmalz U, Wania V, Eisenberger CF, Saleh A, Weiss M, Schmitz A, Kienbaum P, Sessler DI, Pannen B, Beiderlinden M.
Br J Anaesth. 2012 Aug;109(2):263-71. LINK zum Volltext
Remote ischaemic preconditioning for heart surgery. The study design for a multi-center randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial - the RIPHeart-Study.
Meybohm P, Zacharowski K, Cremer J, Roesner J, Kletzin F, Schaelte G, Felzen M, Strouhal U, Reyher C, Heringlake M, Schön J, Brandes I, Bauer M, Knuefermann P, Wittmann M, Hachenberg T, Schilling T, Smul T, Maisch S, Sander M, Moormann T, Boening A, Weigand MA, Laufenberg R, Werner C, Winterhalter M, Treschan T, Stehr SN, Reinhart K, Hasenclever D, Brosteanu O, Bein B; RIP Heart-Study Investigator Group.
Eur Heart J. 2012 Jun;33(12):1423-6.
Effect of remote ischemic conditioning on atrial fibrillation and outcome after coronary artery bypass grafting (RICO-trial).
Brevoord D, Hollmann MW, de Hert SG, van Dongen EH, Heijnen Bg, de Bruin A, Tolenaar N, Schlack W, Weber NC, Dijkgraaf MG, de Groot JR, de Mol BA, Diessen AH, Momeni M, Wouters P, Bouches s, Hofland J, Lüthen C, Meijer-Treschan TA, Pannen BH, Preckel B.
BMC Anesthesiol. 2011 May 23;11:11 LINK zum Volltext
Lanzeitbehandlung mit oralem Ketamin
Zimmer C, Treschan TA, Meier S, Nosch M.
Schmerz. 2009 Oct;23(5):525-7. LINK zum Volltext
Argatroban in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Beiderlinden M, Treschan T, Görlinger K, Peters J.
Artif Organs. 2007 Jun;31(6):461-5.
Argatroban anticoagulation in critically ill patients.
Beiderlinden M, Treschan TA, Görlinger K, Peters J.
Ann Pharmacother. 2007 May;41(5):749-54
Erschwerte Anlage eines Pulmonalis-katheters durch eine persistierende linke V. cava superior
Treschan TA, Plicht B, Buck T, Beiderlinden M, Peters J.
Anaesthesist. 2006 Sep;55(9):950-2, 954
The vasopressin system: physiology and clinical strategies.
Treschan TA, Peters J.
Anesthesiology. 2006 Sep;105(3):599-612
Inspired oxygen fraction of 0.8 does not attenuate postoperative nausea and vomiting after strabismus surgery.
Treschan TA, Zimmer C, Nass C, Stegen B, Esser J, Peters J.
Anesthesiology. 2005 Jul;103(1):6-10. LINK zum Volltext
Nitrous oxide increases the incidence of bowel distension in patients undergoing elective colon resection.
Akca O, Lenhardt R, Fleischmann E, Treschan T, Greif R, Fleischhackl R, Kimberger O, Kurz A, Sessler DI.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004 Aug;48(7):894-8. LINK zum Volltext
Near-miss accident during magnetic resonance imaging by a "flying sevoflurane vaporizer" due to ferromagnetism undetectable by handheld magnet.
Zimmer C, Janssen MN, Treschan TA, Peters J.
Anesthesiology. 2004 May;100(5):1329-30 LINK zum Volltext
Thoracic epidural anesthesia increases tissue oxygenation during major abdominal surgery.
Kabon B, Fleischmann E, Treschan T, Taguchi A, Kapral S, Kurz A.
Anesth Analg. 2003 Dec;97(6):1812-7
The effects of epidural and general anesthesia on tissue oxygenation.
Treschan TA, Taguchi A, Ali SZ, Sharma N, Kabon B, Sessler DI, Kurz A.
Anesth Analg. 2003 Jun;96(6):1553-7
The influence of protocol pain and risk on patients´ willingness to consent for clinical studies: a randomized trial.
Treschan TA, Scheck T, Kober A, Fleischmann E, Birkenberg B, Petschnigg B, Akça O, Lackner FX, Jandl-Jager E, Sessler DI.
Anesth Analg. 2003 Feb;96(2):498-506